Subject Verb Agreement Grammar Monster

Subject-verb agreement can be a tricky concept to master. It’s easily one of the most common grammatical errors out there, and it can be a real “grammar monster” if you’re not careful.

Here’s the basic idea: a subject and its verb must agree in number. That means if the subject is singular, the verb must be singular too, and if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural as well.

For example, “The cat jumps” makes perfect sense because “cat” is singular and “jumps” agrees with that. But “The cat jump” is incorrect because the singular subject “cat” needs the singular verb “jumps.”

Similarly, “The cats jump” is correct because the plural subject “cats” needs the plural verb “jump.” But “The cats jumps” is incorrect because the plural subject “cats” needs the plural verb “jump.”

It may seem like a simple rule, but subject-verb agreement can get more complicated when you introduce compound subjects, indefinite pronouns, and other grammatical nuances.

For example:

– Compound subjects: When there are multiple subjects in a sentence, you need to make sure the verb agrees with all of them. For example, “The cat and the dog chase the mouse” is correct because “cat” and “dog” are both singular and the verb “chase” agrees with them. But “The cat and the dogs chase the mouse” is incorrect because “dogs” is plural and doesn’t agree with the singular verb “chase.”

– Indefinite pronouns: Words like “everyone,” “anyone,” and “someone” are singular, even though they may seem like they refer to multiple people. So you would say “Everyone is here” instead of “Everyone are here.”

– Collective nouns: Words like “team,” “family,” and “group” can be either singular or plural depending on the context. For example, “The team is celebrating their victory” is incorrect because “team” is singular and needs a singular verb. Instead, you would say, “The team is celebrating its victory.”

So how do you make sure you’re nailing subject-verb agreement every time? Here are some tips:

– Identify the subject(s) and make sure you know whether they’re singular or plural.

– Remember that compound subjects and indefinite pronouns can be tricky, so double-check your verb agreement in those cases.

– Pay attention to the context and the meaning of the sentence. Sometimes collective nouns can be either singular or plural, but you need to choose the right one based on what you’re trying to say.

– Practice, practice, practice! The more you read and write, the more you’ll get a feel for what sounds right and what doesn’t.

Subject-verb agreement can be a real “grammar monster” if you’re not careful, but with a little attention and practice, you’ll be able to tame it with ease. So go forth and write confidently, knowing that your subject and verb are always in agreement!