Agreement with Meaning in Tamil

Agreement with Meaning in Tamil

Agreement plays a significant role in effective communication. It ensures that everyone understands the message as intended. In Tamil, agreement is known as „ஒத்திசை” (Oththiṣai), which means „to agree.” It involves matching the subject with the verb or the pronoun with the antecedent, ensuring grammatical consistency and clarity.

The Tamil language is unique in its number of verb forms, making agreement an essential part of grammatical correctness. Based on the subject, verbs in Tamil take different forms to express tense, aspect, and mood. Effective agreement ensures that the verb form used matches the subject in number, gender, and person, providing clarity and coherence to the sentence.

For example, take the sentence „பாரதி வானொலி கேட்டது” (Bharathi vaaṉ oli keṭṭathu), which means „Bharathi heard a voice.” Here, the subject, Bharathi, is singular and feminine. Hence, the verb form used is „கேட்டது” (keṭṭathu), which agrees with the subject`s gender, number, and person.

Agreement in Tamil also extends to pronouns and their antecedents. Pronouns are used to refer to a person, place, or thing, and the antecedent is the word or phrase to which the pronoun refers. It is important to ensure that the pronoun used matches the antecedent in gender, number, and person.

For example, consider the sentence „அவர் தங்கள் காரணமாக கலந்தவர்.” (Avar taṅkaḷ kāraṇamāga kalanthavar), which means „They met because of their cause.” Here, the pronoun „அவர்” (avar) refers to multiple people, and the antecedent, „தங்கள் காரணம்” (taṅkaḷ kāraṇam), is also plural. The pronoun agrees with the antecedent in number, providing clarity and coherence to the sentence.

In conclusion, agreement in Tamil is a crucial aspect of effective communication. It involves matching the subject with the verb and the pronoun with the antecedent, ensuring grammatical consistency and clarity. By paying attention to agreement, one can convey their message effectively in Tamil.