If you`re looking to streamline your document management processes, integrating Adobe Sign with SharePoint can be a game-changer. With Adobe Sign, you can quickly and easily collect electronic signatures on agreements, contracts, and other important documents. And by saving completed agreements to your SharePoint library, you can ensure that they`re easily accessible to everyone who needs them.
Here`s how to save an Adobe Sign completed agreement to a SharePoint library:
Step 1: Log in to Adobe Sign
First, log in to your Adobe Sign account. If you don`t already have an account, you can sign up for a free trial on the Adobe website.
Step 2: Create a new agreement
Next, create a new agreement in Adobe Sign. You can do this by selecting „New Agreement” from the main menu.
Step 3: Fill in the agreement details
In the agreement details screen, you`ll need to fill in some basic information about the agreement, such as the name of the document and the email addresses of the signers.
Step 4: Upload the document
Once you`ve entered the agreement details, you`ll need to upload the document that you want to collect signatures on. You can do this by selecting „Upload Document” and then browsing for the file on your computer.
Step 5: Send the agreement for signature
Once you`ve uploaded the document, you can send the agreement to the signers for signature. You can choose to send the agreement via email or through a link.
Step 6: Check for completed signatures
After the signers have completed the agreement, you can check to see if all signatures have been collected. This can be done by navigating to the „Agreement Status” page within Adobe Sign.
Step 7: Save the agreement to SharePoint
Finally, you can save the completed agreement to your SharePoint library. To do this, simply navigate to the agreement details screen and select „Save to SharePoint”. You`ll be prompted to enter the SharePoint site and library where you want to save the document.
And that`s it! By following these simple steps, you can easily save completed Adobe Sign agreements to your SharePoint library, making them accessible to everyone who needs them. So why not give it a try and see how much time and effort you can save?